We lose almost $5,000,000 per year on the buffet. However, here are some sobering statistics and trends about our casino and buffet. Monday night buffet allowed a time for us to connect and re-connect.
We could even watch and see for ourselves which kids had grown over the years. If one took the time, history lessons were available via the time machines our elders can be. It has become a gathering place a place for our tribal families and extended families to meet and visit. Yet, it is also true that our casino buffet has become more than a place to dine. Their worries were based on previous experience, not current practices. Their concern was that the Spirit Mountain Casino Board would not be independent enough to let economics and business decisions win the day instead of worry about potential political fallout that Tribal Council might feel. However, they recognized what they were proposing would also elicit an emotional response from the community. Recently, our Casino Executive Team at Spirit Mountain Casino proposed such an opportunity.
If I was to go to our Tribal Members with a sure-fire business opportunity, an opportunity supported by documentation, facts, and figures that would make us $5,000,000 I am certain the response would be, “Awesome! That sounds great.” Or perhaps if we were not promptly moving along with the opportunity we would hear from our members, “Why are we holding back and not plunging right in?”